Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daddy's genes

My Granny in Kentucky sent us this picture of daddy....and I was amazed! We're even making the same facial expression :)
And here's another picture that my mommy says looks like daddy (especially if I had some hair on my chest!) Apparently daddy doesn't have a camo onesie, but we're looking for one he can wear so we can be twinkies!

Showin' off the genes!

There's no doubt about it, I definitely look like daddy. Even when my big sister sees baby pics of daddy she says, "that's baby k-bum!".

I mean look at me and daddy's beautiful blue eyes!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

No more toothless grins!!!

Well, my parents and daycare teachers were telling me for weeks that they thought I was teething. Turns out my first tooth broke through this weekend! It's still too small to take a picture, but my mommy said she'd post one as soon as possible!

On top of that, guess what else I'm doing? That would be rolling over from my back to my stomach! I'm a little behind my big sister (who started rolling over around 3.5 months old), but I guess that's what happens when you weigh 18 pounds (which is more than what my big sister weighed at 1 year!).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weekend at Nana and Papaw's

What's up my home-dogs?? I'm just chillin' with my Nana in my new camo hat...

Monday, May 10, 2010

A day at the park!

I went to the park close to Nana & Papaw's house and I went down my very first slide and very first swing ride! I had so much fun!! But I'm pretty sure Aunt Kowee and Yoya (that's what my sister calls herself) had more fun than I did :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Eating and Talking!!!

I have hit so many milestones lately!!! I'm eating cereal and baby food. My mom calls me a chunker monker because I eat 5 bottles 8oz bottles plus 2 cans of baby food and 2 big bowls of cereal every day! I'm like a little bird when I eat now and my parents can't shovel food in mouth fast enough!!!

I'm also talking/jibber jabbing like crazy and I'm rolling over too! Sometimes with my big sister's assistance. My mommy will put me on my tummy and Magnolia will come along and push me over onto my back while saying, "look mommy, Kbum roll over!"

Monday, April 5, 2010


Well, it's Easter weekend and I'm getting ready to go Easter egg hunting! It's going to take a lot of energy, so I'm in much need of a nap prior to the extravaganza.

Here are mine and Magnolia's Easter baskets. And my Nana and Papaw decorated the backyard so cute for the Easter Bunny!

I had to have an outfit change after my nap. I generally go through 3 or 4 outfits because I usually have some sort of explosion 3 times a day!